Sunday, October 5, 2014

Sunday Summary - 10.5.14

Alright, I haven't posted all week but you should hear why. So, I'm starting a new weekly piece called, Sunday Summary. And, you guessed it.... It's a recap of my personal week. 

I feel like I put a lot out there about things I'm creating or observing. Seldom does it actually cover me and my personal life. Maybe you don't want to hear it but I find true life pretty inspirational. Quite possibly, you might find it too. 

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This week was a dousy! Where to start.... Well, my parents were in France so we had Mardi full time while they were gone. I knew this was going to be different since he hadn't stayed with us for a long period of time since we had Hay. Honestly, there was something so gentle and sweet about his demeanor with him that I trusted him more that Briscoe. The first couple days were awesome but that's about where the peaceful harmony ended and our daily routine was flipped upside down. 

D left for Orlando on Monday to attend a work conference. A trip I was going to attend until we started doing the math on how much it would cost to bring H. My flight, everything H would require and 3 days of boarding two dogs would be the difference of at least $1000. It wasn't worth it, not now anyway. He was going to be gone until Wedsnesday but plans change. 

After running errands and feeling quite on top of my game, I settle in to Monday night. There I sat with my dinner on the table and my fresh copy of "Gone Girl". With my fork in one hand, I cracked the perfect binding in my other. Then the light flickers. I thought the bulb must just be going dim so I let it go and continue on. A few hours later, I flipped the bathroom light on to wash my hands and bam, the powers out. Well, only half of it but don't worry it was just the important half. You know the bathroom, kitchen, furnace and hot water heater! Three days, $125, about a dozen phone calls to DTE and two electrician visits later, my husband catches an early flight home and fixes it in less than 15 minutes. That's why I love him. 

Meanwhile, as all of this is going on I'm ill. Like the kind of ill where even the best drugs can't keep you awake. There was one point, where I seriously questioned my ability to parent. That's when I called my sister-in-law to watch H so I could go to urgent care. Where I received the worst medical treatment I've experienced and was sent home with a "let it ride". Fine. Five days later, I still feel horrible. Thanks. 

To top off my disaster of existence this week, my son has sleep regression. Not sure if it's teething, which he diligently points out to me every 10 minutes by hanging his tiny fingers from his sore gums and looking at me with puppy dog eyes. "The drool gave it away buddy, but I'll do the best I can to help you", I think to myself everytime. It could also be the progressive feeding schedule I have put him on (he loves mangos) or his over stimulated little brain wanting to explore more than the day offered. I only think this because one day this week he woke at 3 a.m., bright eyed and bushy tailed and cheerfully talked to his feet for hours. Whatever is going on, I hope it ends sooner rather than later. Mommy needs her beauty sleep to counteract the wine. 

Ugh. It was a damn fiasco. One thing after another. By the time the weekend hit, I was just exhausted but had to have my car fixed instead. What's that expression, when it rains it pours?! 

Today, I finally got out of the house and enjoyed some fun. I took H to my friend Jen's son's 8th birthday in the park. Bryce seemed to have a pretty good turn out, despite the sudden chill to the air and I put H in a swing for the first time. He was indifferent about the movement but wanted to put the seat in his mouth. It was pretty cute. After that, we went on a little shopping spree at Buy Buy Baby where he got a new massaging teether and teething q-tips. Hallelujah! 

Two super awesome fun things that happened this week, babies! My love Katy had her adorable baby boy Logan Paul who is officially H's BFF. He came out, after a stubborn day of labor at an unexpectedly 7 lbs 12 oz and 21 inches long. We really thought he was going to be a whopper, thankfully for his mama he was the perfect size. He's adorable and snuggly and I can't wait to get back over there to see him!

Then my friend Andrea have birth to her beautiful baby girl Nina Antoinette who will be Marnie's future BFF. I am itching to meet all 7 lbs 1 oz and 19 inches of her. She's also got a full thick head of hair in pictures and is just absolutely adorable. Oh babies, so many wonderful additions to the world! 

So there's my week. Sigh. I can't wait to get into tomorrow and knock off all my final details for the reception and get some writing done. 

Until next time!
(which will probably be a LOT more in the near future)

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