Monday, October 20, 2014

Funny Causes of Death

Can't imagine there are many people that would he looking for this list. Except maybe during this time of year. Personally, I compiled this list to fill out funny ways to die for toe tags. Many of which my guests will find in Friday. So, any guests out there reading ***SPOILER ALERT**** if you don't want to know, don't keep reading! 

Here is a list of "Fun Causes of Death" for Halloween fun! 

Marriage (of course) 
Brain Freeze 
Saturday Night Fever
Scared to Dearh 
Past Expiration Date 
Holding Bladder 
Death by Chocolate 
Played Funky Music 
Orgasim to Death 
Boogied 6ft Down  
Sucked Into A Black Hole
Walked In On His Parents
Voodoo Doll 
Unsolvable Math Problem 
Spinal Tap 
Spontaneous Combustion
Changing A Stinky Diaper
Falling off High Heels 
Unbalanced Dismount
Love of Bacon 
The Hunger Games 
Not Forwarding Chainletter
Stuck in Quicksand 
Cat Scratch Fever  

# # # # 

And, that's what I got so far! 😝 I'll add more when I come up with more fun ones. 

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