Monday, October 13, 2014

Sunday Summary - 10.12.14

This didn't get posted last night... Oops! Better late than never 😉

The week started out not so great, in the pediatrician's office discovering H had a double ear infection and an upper respiratory infection. Poor boy. Of course, while this is going on, D's out of town with work. He's still on antibiotics but doing much better. 

The rest of the week was kamakaze wedding planning! Had to get the responses in order, final items purchased, dress altered, re-ordered vases... a lot! I just have to keep reminding myself, almost there! 

Ok top of all that goodness, we actually got to spend time together as a family quite a bit. One night, the four of us went to look at a house and grab dinner. I needed to stop at Target on the way home. That's where I ran into a girl from high school just moments after I realized a dragged my hoodie sleeve through Hayden's diaper. So yea, you haven't lived until you run into someone with sh*t on your sleeve. Sigh.

I got a little reprieve this weekend though. Friday night, my parents took H. It was a nice break, I'm not going to lie. D & I had dinner and went to an old stomping ground White Rhino. Unlike fine wine, it does not get better with age. One guy kept coming up to our table and asking me to dance. When I said I wasn't interested, he then said that we should dance together so that he could watch. Check please! I mean, what to do you expect from a place that has signage on their door like this: 

The rest of the weekend was awesome too. On Saturday, we met my friend Heather at the Garden City Chili Cook Off!
What fun that was. We tried 10 types of chili, almost all were delicious. There was one that tasted like cigarette butts, like the chef was smoking while cooking. Yuck! On the flip side, the 30+ Hockey League and Moose Men's had my favorite. Go figure! Although, I really loved the Island Boys chili because it was flavored with Pineapple. I would have never thought of that but I'm definitely going to try making it!
Overall, it was a really cool event with food, music, a fair and a petting farm. I met a ginger calf there. 

Sunday, I found myself exactly where I should be, Leon's. I've struggled with not working, the idea of giving it up, the idea of getting up without a purpose for my day. Then I remembered, through announcements of my previous company's BCRF fundraiser, how differently I felt a year ago. I loved a lot of aspects of my job. Others not so much. I rather enjoyed going in everyday, helping guests, chatting with my coworkers. But a little part of me cringed everytime I had to leave my boyfriend, now husband, home on a Sunday morning. Sometimes, if I had to work late, we could squeeze in a breakfast on the way, which often made it feel worse. I used to wish more and more regularly that I could just occasionally sleep in and go to Leon's for a casual brunch. Fast forward a year, it's not even a question if were going anymore. It's a plan, every weekend that we get up, pack up H and go get omlettes. This week, my heart melted a little as, for the first time, H sat on my lap and ate off my plate. D and I looked across the table at each other in amazement and I laughed as we left. "Hey, remember last year how I joked that maybe we should have kids to get the free pancake breakfast?"  I said, "yea" he reaponds. "Well next week, let's order him some", I replied with a smile. 

Who would have thought a routine breakfast would have put some much into perspective? 

It kind of makes the rest if this mundane. The rest of Sunday was wrapped up with shopping with my mother-in-law and sister-in-law. Bowling, where our team was finally complete and took 5 points. Then the Walking Dead season premiere, where D actually watched with my for the first time! 

After a rocky start, the week ended great. I can't wait to see what the rest brings! 

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