Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Wedding Hack: RSVP Cards

I have heard from an inordinate amount of hosts that they're increasingly receiving anonymous responses.  I don't know if guests don't understand them, don't think about it or are in too big of a hurry. But, a lot of people get back blank response cards! So for all your wedding planners out there, skip trying to coordinate your cards and guests in a number system. I have a hack. 

First, I thought, well I'll just leave my return address off the respond envelope promting people to write their own. However, I also know some people (hopefully not many) purposely leave their return address off so it will still reach the recipient without the proper postage. As in the , "I'm cheap and tacky and will screw the sadly under untalized USPS out of $.48" mailers. By the way, how sad is that?! 

Then I thought, well then I'll just write their name on the response line. However that leaves a lot of room for error. As in your friend who loves you but always receives your mail and asks, "why can she never spell my name right?". It also allows the recipient to not only respond with or without a guest but also communicate the proper spelling of their names (or new boyfriend)! Not to mention, it's a lot more time. 

So then I thought, well putting the time in to get it right is worth it so I'll label them with names in a sneaky James Bond way! (that way your poor friend doesn't get rubbed the wrong way -- FYI I'm your friend) Flip your stack over, while you're stuffing envelopes write their name small but ledgible on the inside before you fold it over. Bonus points for hiding it in pencil or if you don't want to use two writing instruments (save yourself ANOTHER step) build it into your design! 

I (will call myself out) wrote it very small on the back of my border! 

Voila! You have organized and informative cards and no one will ever know... Until they read this! 😉

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