Saturday, May 23, 2015

Mini Baby Moon!

I've been seeing all these women lately grabbing their husbands and heading out of dodge for a long weekend before their newest arrival came. I had a rare opportunity to tag along with D on one of his out of the area jobs to Frankenmuth, MI.

Now, the last time we went was kind of a bust. About 5 years ago, we had a similar opportunity and took a little trip on the Friday night before Easter. Well... we could only afford a room far down at the Holiday Inn, who's pool was closed. After dinner at Zhender's everything was closed. We got so desperate we wanted to just go back to the room and drink a few beers but couldn't even find a liquor store open past 9:00 PM. In the morning, we only had a short amount of time before we had to head back to one of our family's celebrations. Being a holiday weekend, many places were already closed. We got to play in the mirror house and grab some cheese from Cheese Haus before we basically were forced to head home early from lack of entertainment.

However, this time around I'm not working and not much on my plate with my impending arrival so I made the trip! Except this time instead of my baby moon being with baby daddy, I had a mini baby moon with my sone. What a blast! To be honest, any day with a toddler at 9 months pregnant can be completely exhausting and two on the road in Frankenmuth took a physical toll worse than I could have imagined but it was so worth it and I don't regret a second. I feel that its almost more important for us to spend these last few weeks bonding with our first baby before he gets his promotion and a serious decrease in quality time. At least for the first few months. He's also at a very impressionable phase and these days can be crucial to his emotional and mental development.

So off we went!

We stayed at Bavarian Inn

For lunch day one we went to Le Crepe du Jour, H loved his strawberry banana crepe.

He met a bear at the gift shop where he gave it lots of hugs & kisses.

I tried. lol

We went swimming & H got to go into the toddler pool "by himself", he loved this too!

We met Daddy for dinner where he found this solider & kept calling his buttons "ball"

Our insanely large dinner, he ate most of it too except the bean salad and cole slaw.

Then he ate my hair <3

His face says it all, "Mom please stop taking pictures of me, people are looking!"

My buddy & I at Bronner's before we went to the outlets.
 It was a quick trip but we had so much fun. Found out H likes to eat peas and to pick out Christmas ornaments. :-)

Highly suggest carving out a little time for a trip yourself if you're expecting a little one soon. We are extra bonded now before his baby brother comes.

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