Monday, May 25, 2015

Feel Better Friend Food!

I hate when my people don't feel good. In the past week one of my best friends had a new baby, one of D's best friends had sinus surgery and D hurt his back being in the field during a busy work week. I did what I know to do best, take care of my people! H & I added a few extra foods to our weekly grocery trip and came home to prepare a big batch of "Feel Better Friend Food". I call it FBF Batches. I got inspired from another bloggers foodie post on Pintrest, switched it up a little to suit my lifestyle and got to work! I'll share the recipe for 1 tray even though we ended up making 4!!!
What you need:
1 lb box of penne pasta, cooked
4 oz of frozen spinach, defrosted
1 cup of cherry tomatoes, halved
1 lb of smoked sausage
1 jar of pasta sauce (I used garlic flavor for an extra kick)
8 ounces of mozzarella cheese, separated in two equal parts
1 cup of plain Greek yogurt
Garlic, salt, pepper, basil and oregano to taste
How to do it:
Mix all prepared ingredients in large pot, with exception of 1/2 the cheese. Once mixed well place in 9 x 13 glass or metal dish. Spread remaining cheese on top and cover. At this point you can freeze or bake. If frozen first, defrost when desired and bake at 375 degrees for 15-20 minutes or until cheese is melted and golden.
It was so good I actually ate almost all of one tray by myself for lunch/dinner over the course of 5 days week!

Hello, I'm new(ish) here!

Well hello again! For those of you who don't know me, I'm Christen Pietraz. A girl who wears many hats, one of which is a writer. Full disclosure, I've done this before. I've always been a binge blogger and recently harbored one called Beauty And The Unique. I loved BATU but unfortunately life happened while I was busy making other plans and my point of view changed.
In the last six months, since saying goodbye to BATU I; found out I was pregnant, got engaged, got married, had a baby and am learning to settle into my new skin. The only things that have remained constant are my husband, my spontaneity and my red hair. So I got to thinking about what would make me happy in forging my little piece of the world and it is to be The Gingerista.

What is a Gingerista you ask? Well, if you didn't already know being a red head is a way of life. It's about being bold, adventurous, feisty, fun, classy, sassy and rocking freckles! Not a brindy? No problem! To be a Gingerista it's all about subscribing to the way of life. And there's always bottle dye.

So please, follow along with my writing and join me on this wild ride! Want to see something, tell me I'm crazy or make a new friend? Email me at 

Sunday Summary: 2.15.15

This week started out on an extremely cute and happy note! H had his regular swim lesson on Monday morning and he couldn't have been happier. He loved learning and playing in the water. He even learned how to crawl out and jump into the water. Which he did very bravely. The bet part was during "Wheels on the Bus", when he was just squealing with joy! I'll post video soon.

Also this week, we had our monthly Ogden women's dinner at Cantoro's in Northville. Oh man, I had Penne with Vokda sauce, it was delicious. I've never had it with such flavorful sauce that included bacon, absolutely delicious. Their original shop is right around the corner from our old house. We used to get their lasagnas and tiramisu from to the deli. I thought that was good until I saw what they could  do on a grand scale, oh wow! I highly recommend shopping and eating in the restaurant there. 

This week was also Valentines Day! D "didn't realize" when he bought tickets for his annual Wings outing that it was the romantic holiday, but it worked out great. He took his dad and uncle, who have been extremely supportive this past year, to the game and the Olympia Club for dinner before. I on the other hand spent the night with my adorable date H, along with the other Hockey widow wives. We went out to dinner, had some drinks and laughed the night away. It was great! Don't worry, D made it up to me by letting me do a mini shopping spree for new maternity clothes. And a box of turtle chocolates. <3 

Today, I received one of the highest honors a girl can get. I was asked to be my niece Marnie's god mother at her baptism. It was so cool to stand up there and watch her start her journey in church. She wasn't extremely pleased with it but at least she's official. Poor little cutie could not get out of there fast enough, she just cried until she got to go to Sunday school! Never the less, I hope passing down a family bible from my great-grandmother, who was steadfastly faithful until the end, and a guardian angel cross necklace will help her remind her that we are here to support her in thighs is endeavor. 

As much as I loved that, I think the highlight of my week was seeing H start walking. Not just steps here and there, not figuring it out, not even accidentally gliding (or stumbling) across the floor. He's actually walking!!! Moving, grooving, almost running across the floor. He's even rocking shoes! Because of his fat feet, he kind of looks like he's wearing clown shoes. But still, he's walking!!! I'm so proud of my big boy and exhausted from chasing him. :-) 

So, crazy fun week. Excited for the next! 

DIY Baby Onesies

I have two friends who recently coupled up. A couple I never saw coming but love none the less. You see, she is outgoing, studies yoga and dabbles in vegan, gluten free, raw diets. He on the other hand is a bit more laid back, a very man's man who sports flannel plaid button downs to match his beard and stocks his freezer with his latest trophy. Two complete worlds that balance each other in one adorable, sweet, giggly relationship.

When the day came where their baby shower invitation arrived in the mail, I was so excited! Like every other shower invite, I quickly scoped out their registry and shopped away. But, since this is such a unique couple, containing now one of my oldest friends, I had to do something different. I searched high and low and decided it was going to have to be a custom job..... "One of a Kind Onesies".

The great thing about customizing onesies is the possibilities are endless. You can create any image you want on the onesies, with any saying, in any color. You also can use a plethora of tools to create the looks: felt tip fabric markers, fabric, paint, dye, embellishments, you name it! The first step in the process is to collect your inspirations and gather your materials.

For these two I wanted to represent two very distinct hobbies their lives: yoga and fishing. I chose to do two phrases with these onesies accompanied by fabric embellishment.

What you need for this is:
Onesies, cleaned

Fabric (fat quarters and quilt squares are perfect for this!)
Fabric Mod Podge
Fabric Permanent Markers
Paint brush
Fabric scissors

((Hot tip: chose a variety of sizes for the onesies ranging from 3-12 months because Mom & Dad might get a lot of one particular size from other guests & your gift can keep going!)

What to do:
1) Place cardboard inside of your onesie so that nothing seeps through to the other side. 2) Cut your shape from the fabric, I chose a complimenting color and drew my shape on the backside of my fabric. 3) Take your paint brush a place a good amount of fabric adhesive on the backside of the shape. Place the fabric shape on the onesie, adhesive side down, and smooth out. Let set for two hours before moving on. 4) Once ready, you can use the fabric markers or paint to write your quote out. 5) Once dry, take the paint brush and lightly brush the fabric adhesive over the fabric shape to seal. 6) Wait two more hours, once try you can turn insides out and wash in the gentle cycle. This process helps set the design as well as remove toxins to help keep the peanut safe. :-)

((Hot tip: Use scotch tape to create straight lines and start your quote in the middle of the phrase to create even spacing))

Once it's all done, you have adorable, personalized onesies for your friends!

***Recommendation: I highly recommend not using Tulip brand "Permanent Fabric Markers" because they are not easy to write with. As you can see in my onesies, the writing looks a bit sloppy because I was having such a hard time with the markers. I found that using Tulip fabric paint straight out of the mini plastic bottle works well because the bottle is easy to control and comes pre-made with a small "fine point" opening.***

*****UPDATE!!!***** Here's precious lil Ana wearing her yoga onesie in happy baby pose! 

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Mini Baby Moon!

I've been seeing all these women lately grabbing their husbands and heading out of dodge for a long weekend before their newest arrival came. I had a rare opportunity to tag along with D on one of his out of the area jobs to Frankenmuth, MI.

Now, the last time we went was kind of a bust. About 5 years ago, we had a similar opportunity and took a little trip on the Friday night before Easter. Well... we could only afford a room far down at the Holiday Inn, who's pool was closed. After dinner at Zhender's everything was closed. We got so desperate we wanted to just go back to the room and drink a few beers but couldn't even find a liquor store open past 9:00 PM. In the morning, we only had a short amount of time before we had to head back to one of our family's celebrations. Being a holiday weekend, many places were already closed. We got to play in the mirror house and grab some cheese from Cheese Haus before we basically were forced to head home early from lack of entertainment.

However, this time around I'm not working and not much on my plate with my impending arrival so I made the trip! Except this time instead of my baby moon being with baby daddy, I had a mini baby moon with my sone. What a blast! To be honest, any day with a toddler at 9 months pregnant can be completely exhausting and two on the road in Frankenmuth took a physical toll worse than I could have imagined but it was so worth it and I don't regret a second. I feel that its almost more important for us to spend these last few weeks bonding with our first baby before he gets his promotion and a serious decrease in quality time. At least for the first few months. He's also at a very impressionable phase and these days can be crucial to his emotional and mental development.

So off we went!

We stayed at Bavarian Inn

For lunch day one we went to Le Crepe du Jour, H loved his strawberry banana crepe.

He met a bear at the gift shop where he gave it lots of hugs & kisses.

I tried. lol

We went swimming & H got to go into the toddler pool "by himself", he loved this too!

We met Daddy for dinner where he found this solider & kept calling his buttons "ball"

Our insanely large dinner, he ate most of it too except the bean salad and cole slaw.

Then he ate my hair <3

His face says it all, "Mom please stop taking pictures of me, people are looking!"

My buddy & I at Bronner's before we went to the outlets.
 It was a quick trip but we had so much fun. Found out H likes to eat peas and to pick out Christmas ornaments. :-)

Highly suggest carving out a little time for a trip yourself if you're expecting a little one soon. We are extra bonded now before his baby brother comes.

We're Open For Business!

I've been writing for some time now about my lifestyle as a ginger and there have been quite a few goods along the way. Craft projects to decorate you home, personalized gifts, party décor, etc. Why make you do all the work when you can just get them from me? Starting today The Gingerista is open for business at an Etsy shop! There isn't a lot up yet but we'll be rolling much more out soon.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Minion Party

For my son's first birthday he didn't give us much to work with. Not at all interested in TV, the only things he showed a passion for were balls, the dog & putting things in his mouth (including the aforementioned). Therefore, I decided Minion Party it was! Here are the many components put into play for creating a fun, functionally large first birthday.


Picture display with a "1" 3D display made of cardboard and tissue paper

Minion Lanterns and Paper Roll Minions, there were literally 100 minions in the house
"Life sized minions" made of sonic tube, paper and paint.

Minion silverware rolls! Made with paper, marker and googlie eyes

His cake, Daddy's favorite chocolate on chocolate cause doesn't know better!

Dessert table
Special Rice Krispy 1 made by Grandpa

Anti-Gravity Serum aka Lemonade with fresh lemons and limes that can be made into adult versions.
Minionize Yourself Table

Stickers and Temporary Tattoos with Freeze Guns full of water

Minion eyes and minion language so the kids can learn how to speak minion

Party Favors for all the minions
Little Minion Bags with an activity pack, cup & minion snacks

Big Minion Bags with a cup, freeze gun and minion snacks

Baby Minion Bags with a Frisbee, bubbles and minion snacks

Minion Favor Bags: Little Minion, Baby Minion and Big Minion

Needless to say, the party was a success! H had a great time with all his minion friends.
And yes, we even let him have his first (and so far only) sweet.... Daddy's favorite chocolate cake!


Me & my boys, including H2 dressed in theme!!!

Still to come: Adorable pictures of him in his bday shirt and some with his life sized minion buddies!!!!

Saturday, May 2, 2015

How Celebrate the Kentucky Derby.

 My husband decided to do a last minute Kentucky Derby party tonight. Now, I can't help myself and have to celebrate in theme. Here are some quick ways to get yourself in the races and celebrate the derby in style. 

Every good Southern women knows it's all about the details, especially down to the nails. Here's the perfect Jamberry nail cover, appropriately names Mint Chevron, to get those details in place. 
You can shop for it here: 

One of the best parts about the Kentucky Derby is the fashion. It's a Southern Red Carpet displaying this year's best sundress. I love this one from Lily Boutique. It's a great silhouette for many body types, the pattern is on par with the derby and the color palette pulls this year's hottest "best friend color trend" mixing in yellow with the traditional mint/teal. 
Available for $60 here: 

Another iconic fashion staple of the races is the hat. Most patrons spends weeks designing their custom caps. However, you can go grab this classy piece from JC Penney this afternoon! 

More colors and styles available at

Give a nod to the winner's circle with roses! They can be used as a hostess gift or for decorating your party!
These gorgeous roses are $30 from Pro Flowers, order online here:

Another key ingredient to celebrating the Derby in style is the food. Shrimp is a staple in the south and decadent shrimp cocktails are no stranger to classy events. 

I found this recipe from the queen of entertaining  Ina Garten with The Food Network, her French flare really gives the vibe of a Southern like fete! 

Last but absolutely not least, the Mint Julep. I can't think of one southern event where this isn't in high demand. No one doesn't it like the Derby. The Kentucky Derby is the home of the $1000 Mint Julep by  Woodruff Reserve ( where only a certain number, this year is 90, are made and the proceeds go to charity. 

I don't know about you but $1000 is a bit out of my drinking budget, so here is the official Kentucky Derby alternative:

According to the derby you also want to serve/enjoy Grey Goose Vodka to celebrate another tradition. Find many more insiders and celebratory tips by downloading their app from