Tuesday, April 14, 2015

RHONY: Guilty Pleasure Thoughts

 I've decided to be one of those people who write about their TV shows. I watch too much Housewives reality for it to go unmentioned. I started watching because I was working with these women on specials at WDIV. I had no idea who they were or how to handle them. I got into OC and was hooked. Fast forward a number of years and my DVR is year round full of RHO Whatever City. I watch them all.

Now, I  feel like Spring is officially here with the return of baseball and RHO New York. I love their season because I feel like I'm watching their previous summer and hoping mine will be anything like it. The cast this year's seems solid, old/new this is the first year in a while I genuinely like everyone. :-) Can't wait to see where this new season takes us! 

Episode 1: 
For starters, I'm not really impressed with the new tag lines. Disappointed really. Kristen's is contradictory, Luann of course talks about being a Countess and Heather (though I love her strength) needs to stop saying Holler!! Let's start with the returning ladies. I'm so glad to see that Kristen's family is seemingly better. Sad that Ramona's is not but I'm buckling in for the Ramonacoaster were all about to take a ride on. I do wish for her sake that Sonja's crazy could be reigned in a little bit to be a better friend and more supportive. The way they're headed, I see Sonja being this seasons target again. Can't we just go back to turtle time??? Dear Ms. Radzi, how do you not read contracts before signing? The new kid on on the  block, Dorinda, seems cool and exactly what Ramona needs. Most exciting part of the night, the B is back! Yay!! Her sarcastic whit and power career are super fun to watch. She pops herself right not the center of things, literally. She's back in the center seat for the seasons promo offer shots. Way to go Skinny Girl, I hope you get drunk enough to pee in a garbage can on camera again. Best part of the premiere? AVIVA'S ABSENCE. Bye Felicia! 

Episode 2: 
The Hamptons! At least it's not the Berkshires... (lmao) I don't even know where to start, let's talk about Sonja's arrival. Holy cow girl, get on some ADD medication. I still love watching her train wreck but I'm scared how this will pan out for her and Ramona's relationship. I never want this BFF match made in Xanax and Pinot Grigio to end. Though I totally see Dorinda taking Sonja's place in Ramon's life. Mainly because, thankfully, Ramona has evolved from all her life's affairs (literally). She's much more down to earth and Dorinda her speed. She even apologized to Luann, hopefully she means it this time. Speaking of Luann, her new home is life watching the fall of an empire. Good for her putting up a fight with social stature. She might not be winning this battle but I'm rooting for her to win this war. Watching Bethenny work out of a hotel room just reminds us of where she came from and not at all surprised she's back. Kind of like her place in the show. I love where they leave us this week, what bitches brunch would you attend?

Episode 3: 
Battle of the brunches! Right off the bat, I don't know WHAT Carole is thinking....  Who wants to go to two brunches? Uh, me!!!! Love Bethenny's house, minus her Skinny Girl show room. Even down to her perfectly placed $3000 bags hanging by the front door. She put out a great spread too, unsurprising considering her roots. Ramona on the other hand, chose to host at a restaurant. She causes a lot of fuss over something she didn't fuss over at all! Drink up Dorinda!!! Why anyone has issue with Dorinda leaving when they arrive is beyond me. Props to you girl for even waiting an hour and a half. I wouldn't have. And Ramona, some way to treat your guest of honor. Back in the city with girls night, I'm having de ja vu with Kelly at the club. I know you want your job back girl but Bethenny got it. The vibe of this whole night screams Sex And The City which further proves my theory that Carole Radziwill IS Carrie Bradshaw. Which leaves Bethenny as Miranda and the rest of them versions of Samantha! 

Episode 4: 
Oh my gosh, what did I say last week about Radzi being Carrie? Her story is like a mix of when she went to the bar and threw up from smoking pot and dating the comic book guy who lives with his parents. Crazy! Bethenny's birthday and a buffet of younger guys.... (Production note, what's going on with your mics???) I LOVE the birthday girls jumper by Sass & Bide! The next day I'm really wondering what's up with Heather starting drama? She basically just called Kristen to say she wasn't invited out with the cool kids. Then confronts Beth at a dinner in front of ANOTHER women who wasn't invited! Then, in diary, you call her names, because she truthfully told you that you weren't even an intended guest. Seriously girl, your life can't be that boring. Dear Ramona, just make out with John already. Final thought: Um, I love Dorinda. For real. First you take a stand at brunch about the ladies we're for showing up late. Then you tell your man how rude he is for being on the phone during lunch. (Which is something I've lived 50 times and completely support) Now, you're telling your man that your daughter will always be #1, as it should do be! You rock!!! 

Episode 5:
Every time I hear Heather's intro statement, I cringe. Diving in.... Brunch with Ramona. Oy! She may come off crazy but I really feel bad for her. I think she's just misunderstood while trying to find away to survive. Hopefully, Bethenny will have a positive influence on her and maybe even some business guidance. Pedis with Dorinda and Luann strikes up conversation about Bethenyn 's birthday party. I like Dorinda's take on it. She and Luann seem very level headed about the whole thing. Then we're at drinks with Radzi and Kristen. Honestly, I don't know how I feel about the whole Radzi and Chef thing. Part of me says "Go Cougar Carole" and the other part says "ew". Now we're at Ramona's. First off, of COURSE Ramona Pinot Grigio is there..... This makes me happy. See Ramona, Sonja is a good friend. Girls trip in AC, will we see turtle time??? Yes, please! I also love seeing the ladies with their kids. Seeing these women in their maternal element really shows who they are. Kristen's writing a blog, with an intern, for free. Hmmmmm. (Insert your own judgments here) Holy crap, Sonja has actual clothes in her line. Lol Bethenny just hit the nail on the head. Sonja is not naked after all. And it actually exists! Check out www.SonjaMorganNewYork.com. Alright, party time! So, no one likes John, Dorinda's boyfriend. Surprise surprise! Hey Heather, quit complaining about being traded up for B, the reason Sonja didn't invite you to her showing is cause you were a total b*tch last time and joined in on ganging up on her. I think they are all tearing her down for entertainment. And I get where Ramona is at but I don't think it's a good idea to bring it up after you just saw her being defensive with the other girls. Aaaaaand this is why we don't like John. Kick him to the curb girl! Oh man, after watching tonight I feel like I need a drink. I can't wait for Atlantic City next week!!! Here's some props to Ms. Morgan's line launch:

The faux friends sitting by the runway show.

Episode 6: 
What is happening here?! Chaos in Sonja's foyer!!! And there's Bethenny calling it like it is. This limo ride looks like a blast. Ramona popping bottles at 10:30 am, everyone is fighting and Kristen's accessory choices are just as out of control. Shut it down Ramona Pinot Grigio, relax and get ready for turtles. I love Bethenny and her attempt to fix Sonja, I wonder if it will work. I give her mad props for saying what no one else has the balls or cares to say. And there she's peeing out of a limo, oy! They do know it's only a 3 hour drive, right?! Now they're in AC and I swear I just heard Sonja tell the hotel employee that Bethenny was one of Ramona's best friends. Um, what?? Going out for the night all I can't think is "what is on Carole's head?!" Also, why is everyone in this group on such high alert all the time with each other? Geez. It's like they're all PMSing or menopausal. Poor Ramona, Luann's comment about Mario was just mean and ill timed. Don't you know not to say anything negative about the "ex" especially when they're not even done? Rule no. 1 with break ups Lu. These bitches in the club... Oh wow. It's *almost* like watching your grandma get drunk and dance at a wedding. Except the wedding is a night club where the average age is 20 years their junior and dancing is flashing cameras your girly bits. National TV has seen your snatch Sonja! Holy crap she's plowed and poor Dorinda having to be on babysitting duty. Welcome to the club! So far tonight she's a PR practitioner, party girl,  artist, philanthropist, celebrity event guest and a model over seas. Let's see if she's someone who makes it to brunch. Yup, and freakishly normal. 

Thank you OK! Magazine for the Snatch Watch photo matchup! 

Episode 7: 
Still can't stand Heather's tag line! Lol Oh man, Ramona is still celebrating her bday. If she wasn't going through a divorce I'd be annoyed. Although, I love her dislike of Heather's too white ghetto slang. 😉 I love Kristen's look at this women's luncheon: yellow print high waisted skirt, grey modest top, gold necklace and black frames. Too cute! Ramona's message in her speech rocks, girlfriends are the way through life. They are your soul mates. I'm soooo not into Bethenny's therapy sessions, it's why I stopped watching her show. Apparently I'm alone in this or the producers just really like it. ZzzZzzzz & now waking up to boxing. I don't know what's more hilarious Radzi taking testosterone or Kristen getting sweat spray. Id like a gluten free green tea martini with no carbs or calories please! Alright, let's talk Radzi & Adam. I've made up my mind, rock it out girl!!! Lu needs to get over it. Radzi is having fun, enjoying company and living a healthy life. Calling it "Sonja young" is just rude and inaccurate. Maybe Lu's just jealous that Radzi can land a young hottie that's her nieces age & Jaques wasn't quite that... Miami looks fun. Kinda wired seeing Lu's daughter naked in painting. Cool that she's in the festival though! I'm loving the continuous theme that children are  #1 and there's no choice. Not every women on these series has shown this particular position. Pretty sure that's why I love this brand the most. That and I secretly wish I lived in NYC if it were permanently a warm climate. This convo with Bethenny's "dad" is maybe the most awkward thing I've ever seen on television. And that's saying a lot. Go take a shot kids. I feel like I need one now! Til next time, where there's even more Sonja bashing & pot stirring by Lu! #LuHasProvenMoneyCantBuyYouClass #LosingItCantSupplyClassEitherApparently.

Read all about her look, except the skirt,on Kristen's blog #lastnightslook: http://www.kristencarrolltaekman.com

Episode 8:
Yessss, I've been waiting for this all day. Starts our with Ramona & Dorinda at dinner. Man, I wish R would have just stayed home. It's hard to look at pretty when it sounds so disgustingly ill. Take a nap honey!!! Interesting that she's considering taking Mario back, I kind of want to see her do it, after she takes a rumspringa in Vegas at the Down Under show. ;-) Bottom line is she's looking at it the right way, that the most important thing is her daughter and husband's relationship. D is right, whatever happens is her business though $100 says NO one else feels that way. And finally, I love Ramona's classy comment about the boyfriend, "There's a lot of people who wouldn't want to sit next to him at a dinner party". While bitchy its still a nicer way of saying he's a d-bag. Now we're at Carole's um, campaign kick off? What are you in high school? You sign is made of poster board and markers. lol Tell me this can't be real... let's take the cost of your political strategist, your social media consultant and your campaign manager, divided by the 30 people you'll be serving and how much are you paying per head? I'd really like that number. It must be big if you did have the budget to print signs.  Bethenny's therapy session is next, fast forward... just kidding! I love her doctor's textured geo print pillow. Uhhhh I will say, walking in on someone slitting their writs is not just a normal day for anyone. Except maybe an orderly at a mental hospital. I really wish she would have worked this stuff out before she married Jason, maybe they would have made it. At least she's got the right mind frame today, gotta let go of the past to have a future. Next up is Sonja's magazine cover party. I adore the shot they used on the cover. Kristen's outfit is fabulous again, that sequin top is gorgeous. I'm glad she's happy about Sonja's dress "being real", lets hope all the ladies can keep the sarcasm at bay. I do support Ramona's confusion about Latino Show magazine, I guess she'll have to consult Sonja's social media internS. Ugh. Heather you're making want to punch you this year. Your being skeptic and then you drop KMart as what you're trying to spin into a compliment. But when the women is wearing the dress in front of you as the guest of honor at a high end affair, its always an insult. Now its time for Radzi's board election victory/pity party (we shall see).  Ramona shows up with Ramona Pinot Grigio of course. I feel B when she's talking to Heather.... it doesn't feel like she's prodding about custody. What's the motivation behind you try to get into that? Props to Kristen for apologizing to Sonja. Decision time..... victory! Congrats Radzi board member. Is it just me or all theses women wearing black a lot?! Or grey. Or white. Bethenny and Carole shopping.... WHAT is happening?! Holy crap, B needs to go back to her doctor's office. The second birthday dinner in a row. I take back what I said, screw Mario, make out with Michael. Although, I feel like bringing him around this group so early is like asking for a way out. This is such a ridiculously lavish dinner and I love it. My next birthday needs to go something more like this! ;-) And then here's the drama, can't go a dinner without it, especially with Lu and Heather there. And they can't even give respect to the guy they're talking crap about by addressing him to his face when he's sitting right there. Oy!
Episode 9: 
This is coming at you a little late cause it's been a week! Never the less, it's here & it's good TV. Starting out at Dorinda's birthday weekend, yay. I hope her house in the Berkshires is good enough for Ramona. Holy crap she brought a case. Purple couch. Purple velvet couch. What are you Prince? At least she's got some bold color choices. Oh Heather, the Berkshires are the furthest thing from the hood. I thought the men were coming? Wait a minute, Ramona is seeing Peter?! Awesome!!! Alright, now Ramona and Kristen are randomly talking alone... about John again. Until Dorinda walks in, oops. And wow she got defensive quick. Obviously she's not happy about it and I don't blame her. I think she's projecting a lot of other feelings onto the situation. I hope the ladies listen and do give him a chance to get to know him. The Red Lion Inn, doesn't look like a place you can't wear jeans. Just sayin'. Talking about Bethenny, funny that she's not considered a "girls girl" considering the fact that she's like America's skinny bestie! Why are we talking about her family, her past? I mean I guess she has put it all out there. Ramona of course true to interject herself, way to shut it down Kristen - hillarious! Side note: what is Luann wearing? He looks like she's trying to be a teen in the 90's. LMAO.... Heather losing your nanny is not at all like growing up in an abusive neglectful household or even working out a very public and bitter divorce. Next morning... Uh neither of you should be wearing that outfit ladies. ;-) By the way, YAY Sonja is here!!! She makes everything more entertaining. Lu & Ramona: hey guess what this into your first offense Lu. Stop acting like you're perfect, you create drama with the rest of them. Mostly because you don't have your own plot line so you have to stay relevant. I love the ladies seeing up for dinner, they look great. Ramona: your "friend" is driving hours for an intimate dinner and your boobs are all out there. It's a date. Bethenny came, yay again! Why are we digging at Peter, I feel like yall should know better than to listen to tabloids. Oh man, what are they eating? It looks amazing. I can totally relate to Bethenny as a pseudo "vegetarian", I've been to many a dinner where you make it work. You don't need attention drawn to it. Thanks anyway Heather. And seriously what are you doing to Peter? What a bitch. Now she's back in Bethenny. Is she drunk? Heather should know better that it doesn't matter what your intentions are, it's all about how you're preceived. If you're being preceived as trying to care for someone you don't know, I wouldn't get up from the table and try to have a moment. Yikes. Can't wait for next week's train wreck! 

Episode 10: 
Let's start with no wonder why Bethenny doesn't come around much. Heather is intense and she's already got enough going on. Although, if you don't want attention, why are you on Real Housewives??? I can't imagine you need the money that bad. Lu's toast to Dorinda is so AWKWARD! Op, here comes Ramona's one up. Lol Dorinda a hound know that your birthday isn't about you. ;-) And here comes Hesther continuing on about Bethenny. You're going to put your skully on? Seriously? You going to pull our your piece too? Oh thank god we're back in the city. These women make New Yorkers look like the standard of sane. Skinny Girl brand summit meeting, cool! Very neat that she opens herself up to this and that she brings Sonja. This makes me really respect her and her desire to actually get her hands dirty helping Sonja. Next up, Avery is back. I kinda feel bad for her being in this situation, on camera and for being forced to be a parent to her Mom. After the break, were at Kristen's nail polish branding meeting. Carol's right she's pretty and smart now. I love her nail polish names by the way. At dinner, Bethenny hit the nail on the head. If she walks in to a party and someone starts with "we were just talking about you". Really? About what? I don't see Carol's point of calling Heather nurturing. Holy cannoli, Ramona is on the prowl!!! Now we're at Ramona's very loud party. Ramona couldn't have put a wall up behind her velvet rope? Oops Carol, shouldn't have said that about Bethenny running her mouth on Kristen. It is funny that B will take Sonja under her wing and won't even talk to K. Can't address that yet cause LuAnn is jumped in starting shit again. Haha Kristen gets shut down at first. Then she gets into Bethenny's face and wonders why she retreats. You just saw the girl cry over meatballs. Though it is weird that she left hugging Heather. I'm so confused!! B, I love you but get your shit together, you're looking bi-polar. 

Episode 11: 
How are we this far into the season? And what happened to my previous post?! Ugh. Sorry it's on delay. I'm re-watching it for you. I knew there would be a day or two between my actually post becaue hubs didn't tape it this week. Something about Deadliest Catch (his guilty pleasure) and the Tigers game. Which in all about supporting both but not before my crazy chic housewives! Alright here we go! Cupcake decorating? This is kinda of fun. Round 10 of Ramona Pinot Grigio plug! How did this get dirty? Lol Sonja is there! Big news, her judgement is almost paid off, yay!!! How are we celebrating? Turks & Caicos! (Yessss) Cut to Lu  & Kristen shoe shopping and chatting about the A1A altercation. How is it better that Bethenney didn't talk sh*t about Kristen her face? Lu, that really makes you look shady.... Then we go to dinner with Bethenney & Radzi which also gets dirty talking about their naughty romp in Radzi's subconscious. This is why I respect Carole, she called Bethenney's 2 speeds out, to her face. Respect girl! I'm not sure where we are after this, Lu's photo shoot? Why is everyone coming? Aaaand here is drama. Bethenney is losing her sh*t again cause of being away from her daughter. She cries always. I get where she's coming from not wanting to be away from her daughter between work, vacation and custody. Can we just not sob about it in the corner? If you don't want attention, stop crying on camera dear! Oh now we're watching Lu model. Oh my gosh I'm dying watching this.... Are you selling adult diapers for me a menopausal women? If any of theses ladies were her friend they'd tell her to stop. And hire a real model. Back from commercial were packing with Sonja, I love this! She has intern helping her, Id be kind of pissed if that was my day at the office. Why do so many people apply for this position? I don't understand. Now we're at Bethenney's mob dinner. Why are we plotting against Sonja? This dinner I o awkward, especially when they all get up except Lu to go the bathroom. ???? Next day, it's pedi time. How do these women have so much time? Ramona's stirring up drama with Bethenney again. You know if Kristen has an issue and you go start stuff that it's going to be a problemRamona needs a hobby. How are they having this much conversation about "Bros before Hoes"? It's not that complicated of a concept. Before the night ends we're at LuAnn's suite for her middle aged mall waking grandma clothing line. I'm sorry, we're at the pre-party. What in taking from this is that I love Dorinda's look: Greg lace short and a major statement necklace. 
LuAnn's clothing line promo or a Depends ad?
Episode 12:
This episode picks up where we left off.... After Ramona's defensive (?) attack on Kristen regarding Bethenney in the suite, we're at the party. Like many long time viewers you're probably thinking to yourself did RAMONA just stick up for BETHENNEY?? Yea, my jaw is on the floor too. At the party, B walks into Sonja and Kristen having a convo, unbeknownst to her what just happen she makes a comment about Kristen's face that does not go over well. Its gets them talking though and I really like how B explains it. Her comment about the name "Pop" was an opinion, if she didn't like your shoes she's not going to call you and tell you that minor detail. It just so happens that A) In typical RHW fashion it got completely blown out of proportion and B) It was a blasé comment that hit someone's jugular unintentionally because it was their passion project. And for the record C) She's right! Business is competitive, especially beauty. Pop! Beauty is a very popular brand with a long history and following in the industry. To start out as POP of Color in a nail line (which Pop! Beauty also makes) could very well be damaging or even crippling to the launch of your business.  Granted, she could have kept her comments to herself but maybe she was trying to put it out there to help her... On the other hand, why are these bitches at this party? No one has had a nice thing to say about these clothes. Which I tend to agree. LuAnn is a thriving late 40's (when this was shot) women who made a clothing line, while fashionable, that I would expect to see on a women driving her gold cart through a retirement community in Florida. Her business advisors did her an injustice. STILL, these women are supposed to be her friends.... BTW Dorinda a swami priestess is a Hindu religious teacher. "Don't be afraid". It's time for VACATION! Oh my god, Ramona and Sonja picking a room is hilarious. She's just decided whatever she wanted was all that mattered and boy did it rub them the wrong way! I would be SO annoyed. Especially after she orders the poor guy around unpacking.  "Put that suitcase in there and this one in here and put them in a storage closet or something".... seriously? Holy crap. Although mad props to her trouncing around in a bikini, she looks good.  I'm going to start doing Ramona squats as soon as this baby is out. I think her $30 stripper shoes is what ties it all in but the best part is her matching bikini and scrunchie combo.  I mean they all look good, even Sonja with her extra 5 lbs.  How much did they pay for that?  Here's my next question, who hooks up with the chef? They're all pretty much in the mix... I've got money on Sonja. Then there's the Skinny Girl vs. Yummie stand off. Let's just compare portfolio. DAAAAAAMN Ramona, that was  harsh stab at Sonja with the "sleep with anyone" comment. That's rough, considering that your best friend, who's supposed to be non-judgmental. Ha! Sonja just hit the nail on the head.  Finally, we've got B trying to help Sonja again. And again, she's right. Sonja is a smart women who has a ton of potential and in my opinion there's nothing wrong with her enjoying her time here. But, she needs to talk less and listen more. Ramona's dramatic interjection is just the best cause SHE started it. Bug in her macro may v*g*n* is deserved. Hug it out, eat some lobster & slam another Ramona Pinot Grigio. ***Crazy Biotches, I love you**

Episode 13: 
We're still in Turks & Caicos. Ramona is till wearing her MK macro-may dress and then ladies are still drunk crying tears into their wine about men. While judging Sonja's drinking habits. The next morning Yoga David arrives and by the looks of his dreads I want to be friends. While their taking their class, Sonja and Dorinda are having a convo about last night's confrontation with Bethenney. All I can focus on is how much I like her bathing suit cover up. ☺️ Later on the beach the discussion of Sonja's (in my opinion nonexistent) drinking problem continues. Good job putting it to bed B. Dress for Success is really going to benefit from their inability to shut up! Now we're on a boat. Best part is the Ramona "ice bucket challenge". Lol Deserved. Later at dinner that night, why did Dorinda & Heather get in a fight?! I love Dorinda's dress though. It's so hard to pay attention to the actual reasons why anyone is fighting because they're all dressed sparkly. Ramona is back other divorce or not divorce from Mario. We get it girl, you're sad. Idk if I'd self diagnose yourself with PTSD though. Once again, they leave us hanging with a big dramatic cliff hanger..... B calling Ramona "manic". She's right! This is just Ramona's world an were just living in it.  Can't wait to see where B drags this argument to next week! Until then..... 

Episode 14: 
Round 3 in Turks & Caicos. God, I hope they stay on vacation forever. The Ramonacoaster is back and this time she's demanding a lunch out, Never mind the fact that Bethenney is in the kitchen, literally over a hot stove making her lunch. I can't help but think she puts herself in these positions subconsciously. Like she didn't see someone complaining about her cooking or someone taking off in advance. I would be right with her though if I was there. So sick of these two and their constant back and forth with a dash of drama. Side note, this house is incredible. I need to figure out how to get 10 people to go in on a trip together to stay somewhere like that too. Dang. Now were at the lunch that B made and were talking Ramona's book titles. I can't help but to agree with just about everything she says about business! lol Heather thinks she's a "know it all" and I think maybe she does know it all. I'm going to totally use that line again, when you have something to say ---> "Live & Direct". Later that night, Sonja is talking with Heather about how they "all" think she has a drinking problem. I feel so bad for her because I think she's really just misunderstood and that's a BIG accusation to have made on you. Now.... let's go watch her get turtle timed at the beach bar. Carol in her knit hoodie by the way looks JUST like Carrie Bradshaw. Is she TRYING to put that out here? Cause who goes to the bar in sweats and beach hair? I don't know why Ramona flirting is such a big deal, its actually pretty funny to watch. Good thing they moved on to pet stray dogs, take tequila shots and jump on the conga line! :-) How do I get to go on vacation with these b*tch*s, for real!? The next day at lunch, Ramona crosses some nasty line taking a dig at Carole about her "28 year old". Then she tries to play the victim and they won't take it for a second. I love it. FINALLY, after a lot of "crocodile tears", she admits she's wrong. SHE ADMITS SHE'S WRONG!!! Holy crap. I think hell just froze over. After lunch, I'm glad Lu apologizes to Sonja but it turned weird talking about JP Morgan letting her go financially. And their hugging, let's see how long this love fest lasts. At the beach, the girls are having fun again. Listening to Dorinda and Carole talk about their late husbands are so sad. I feel so bad for them. I never want to imagine what that must be like. It's sweet that they can bond over that. And we're going to dinner.... I can't wait to see who cries first. Are we really fighting about the F-word over Mahi-mahi? These ladies are hysterically drunk and over the top.  I can't wait til next week! 

Will someone please make some side by sides of these two for me? (((I ain't got time for that))) 

Episode 15:
Meeting up with the girls at the end of their Turks & Caicos trip. I'm going to skip over the end of the "F You Dinner" and dive right into Heather Thompson crying the next morning as shes running through the house with a torch and pitchfork. I appreciate how she and Carole feel and I actually agree with them. I don't agree with waking them all up because you're not going to get a good reaction. I love Sonja's response though, "we got house not a hotel so we could do these things" lol. Lu's reaction of "be cool... don't be all like, uncool" is stellar too. I really hope she's still drunk. Then Sonja adds in how he was hanging out, swimming, etc and he "didn't feel uncomfortable at all" is great. Who cares if he made himself at home? He was in the room connected to Heather while she was sleeping naked. That's creepy! Then we find out Lu's man is married and her response is "sh*t happens". Yup. sh*t happened to your partner in crime Ramona and that's why shes in this mess! Next up were at lunch back in NYE (awwwww) with Carole and B. Her imitation of Dorinda is great! Dorinda's self description is impeccable: you don't fight often but when you do scorch the earth. I'm shocked that she takes a nap every freaking day at 4:00 pm. Like full on, gets into pajamas everyday and isn't happy if she doesn't get it. Who has time for that?! After tea, Carole meets Heather and Kristen for a workout, or break time. I want her "Lettuce Turnip the Beet" shirt. Heather talking about Dorinda, now she has a drinking problem! Oh girl.... Next up were at the diamond jeans making party at Manny's house. It's actually a cool concept until someone glues your coasters to the *ss of a pair of pants. Classic. Bethenny and Kristen get into it at the party about Kristen's comments in the press about "not judging a book (B) by its cover". I'm not really sure how she misunderstood what was said or how she thought it was negative. So weird. Now its Luann and Heather's turn to enter the ring. Another conversation where I don't know where they accuser got the impression for her argument.    I'm not sure how Lu is turning this into a violation of her privacy. And to bring poor Carole into this about some supposed apology. An all out fight breaks out and somehow Ramona is not getting any flack for her crap. Because let's face it, this is all her doing. She gets off with "I'm not a morning person, you barged into my room at 9:00 AM". What is with these women? My day is half done by 9! Aaaaaand now Dorinda & Heather are arguing. How does anyone have the energy for this? They get together to do something nice for charity and its exhausting just watching it. But I'll still tune in next week! ;-) 
Yes Sonja, it is exhausting to deal with your friends! 

Episode 16: 
This week starts out with Bethenny's new apartment, well the bones of it. It's super cute! Cracking up about the Skinny Girl red paint in the hall as Carole pointed out. What is she, Ramona claiming blue? Their convo about Kristen's party is great, "the Countess is back!". Also interesting, Bethenny's take on the situation, I completely agree. Switzerland is a weird place to be in this situation but it's probably the best place. Yea, I'd be irritated with a naked owner-less guy in the next room to me and Lu's reaction is a bit much. I also see how busting into my room in the morning screaming accusations would put me in a place of violated. Humpf. I guess we'll discuss more at the reunion. ;-) At the Smile Train event next, the first thought that runs through my head is "Dang, Kristen did it again". I love her style. Heather is looking a little hoochie mama which I guess works for her spunky personality but I might have dressed it up a bit more classy for an event I'm sponsoring. Ramona's denim dress is cute accessorized accordingly. Dorinda's outfit, I'm not so sure about. I'm torn. I love her top, very fitting of the event but the white denim, well... its just not working for me. Oh boy, here we go with Ramona taking a slam on Kristen for her stand against sisterhood and not plugging her jewelry line for the necklace donation. You know, the necklace donation no one asked for, that was slipped in at the decorating party, that you already plugged repeatedly.... that one. Next were at a coffee readers house with Carole, Dorinda & Heather. Only these ladies... Carole's reading about Anthony is cool and I'm glad she's walking away more confident. Heather's was not surprising cause she's been talking about it for years. Dorinda's was creepy accurate! First to have a balloon you think is your late loved one and years later a psychic brings it up, nuts. Next were at B's psychologist appointment, honesty this is why I stopped watching her show. Then were with Carole and Adam shopping for her first dinner party in her new apartment (of 10 years). I really like seeing them together, maybe because its like I'm watching an episode of SATC every time I do. Are we going to see the party? Then there's a little blurb on Jax's 10th birthday. Did Kristen seriously get Heather's kid a trip to Vegas to see a wrestling event for his gift? Wow. I think you've hit the point you have too much money. ;-) Alright, I guess we are going to see the dinner party. Her apartment is really cute, very eclectic. They're talking about going to London to receive Carole's widow's ashes because the church he's placed in is being demolished. Very interesting that she's going to retrieve her husband and bringing this whole energy back into her life. Traveling with Dorinda who is hesitant to return to London where she and her late husband spent many memories. Listening to Carole talking about her life with Anthony, his cousins whom she was close to that were American Royalty, her return to work to leave again and her reestablishment of relationships that reminded her of those times. It almost makes me want to read her book!

Episode 16:
Starting off, the ladies land in London. Carole's sweet is insane. It looks like it could be bigger than my house and my house is pretty big. Immediately, Carole heads off to the church to retrieve her husband. In the church, you can see she's nervous. It's got to be such a unique situation that you don't even know how to react to it. She's talking about how she just wants one more day with Anthony and perhaps her return to him on this trip is that time. I can't even imagine what this must be like to live and I never want to.

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