Monday, January 12, 2015

Sunday Summary: 1.11 - 1.18

Wooooooo weeeee, what a week! Actually, two. I had a least one thing on the calendar every day this week, which doesn't seem like a lot, but when you're toting a tiny tot and it's three below, it can be daunting. I suppose it doesn't matter what you have going on because the first week of real winter, well… Just plain sucks! But you've got to try to make the most of it and I actually think I try harder in the winter because I have to keep up and moving. Or I just don't want to get frozen to my couch.

On Monday, we didn't start out so great. Hayden wasn't feeling well. :-( 

Tuesday, the time came when I finally got to take H to the pediatric radiology specialist and gastrointestinal specialist. Which basically means, starve your child and then strap them to the table where you have to leave the room and they take pictures of him! LOL He ended up doing great and left with even better news.... No blockage! 
Besties Brielle and Hay playing.

On the back half of the week, we went mall walking with Jen. Something we continue to do at least once a week. H sure loves the play scape part.

 Over the weekend, D and I looked at houses. I looked at almost 40 with the realtor and narrowed it down to three. Our own version of House Hunters. I've never seen the show, just the Tosh.0 skit, but I think it goes something like this.... The first showing was a house under our budget but needed work, like finish the basement work. The second house as on point its budget and charm, actually more for the money that I've seen and not much but cosmetic work needed. The third, was a little out of our budget but it was ready to go and had an indoor pool. An indoor pool. It needed repeating. Pretty much our dream home but we'd have to take out a loan to get it. So what do you think we decided on? ..... House number 2, put an offer in last week and its a go! (That's what's been taking up the rest of my minimal free time) With any luck we'll be moving in by the 15th! 

After that, we had a couple more play dates, some exercise and a whole lot of sick. H came down with an ear infection that miraculously spread to me & D. I'd be concerned if it weren't for the fact that the antibiotics are working and he's on the mend. 

So, lots of fun stuff and Pintrest home décor in my future!!! 

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