Thursday, August 7, 2014

The Coupner's Garage Sale

This is so cool! 

So, I'm always looking for a sale. Let's be real, who isn't? I get such a rush from getting a good deal. When someone compliments my outfit I can't help but respond where I got it and and what steal I got away with. When I get home from shopping I gloat to my husband through our game "Guess How Much I Paid For It?". Nothing is better than when he's close but I have him beat. 

My thriftiness has gained me a reputation. Maybe its the small stock pile in my basement of supplies. Or that next summer's clothes in his closet.  At some point people even started asking for help! 
It once led me to give coupon in a try. Now, I can get a good deal but nothing like carts of groceries for free. Truth be told, a lot of things like cat liter just weren't neccessary and "ain't nobody got time for that"! But I have mad respect for those who can. 

My thriftiness got me an invite to a garage sale. Alright, if someone's inviting me to a garage sale, I feel like it's worth going to check it out. Boy am I glad I did! 

Today, I met a four generation family of extreme couponers. Who in all reality should have a show. They spend all year, in sport (or maybe profession) extreme couponing. They stock pile, literally, thousands of products from Panteen Pro V shampoo and Crest 3D whitening strips to Huggies diapers and L'Oreal eye shadow. They get deals I had never seen before like Revlon tweezers and child movie DVDs.  Then, drum roll please.... they throw a garage sale! 

I thought I got a deal before? Not like this! Here is retail $148.00 (give or take a few): 
Guess how much I paid for it?! $45.00!!!! 

This is such a cool new wave of shopping, the Couponer's Garage Sale (as I have now named it). 
Here is the one I went to today. And it's happening all over, I found another in my area tomorrow: 

Pros to the Coupner's Garage Sale: 
1) Saves consumer money. They're doing the work for you and selling at a severaly discounted rate.
2) Saves time shopping. You can go pick up for favorites and loyal brands in one spot. 
3) Better ability to stock up. Since they buy so many and their so cheap you can buy 10 where you'd normally buy 2.
4) Experience new products without loosing more than you gain. I grabbed a hair mask that I've been looking to try at 20% of the retail value.
5) Coupon use causes companies to produce more coupons. Simple supply and demand. If corporations pay advertisers to create sales driving campaigns and they work, they'll pay for more. 
6) Its better for the environment. Think about it. The paper is getting used and recyled (cause that's what a lot of manufacturers do). It causes less people to drive less places because you can get so many products from different stores in one place. And to boot, companies aren't mailing boxes of unsold merchandise, on trucks, back to manufacturers who then mail them, on trucks, to discount retailers or worse online. 
7) It stimulates the economy. At the very least your paying cents for carts of products which stores are profiting from. The people pay cash which causes couponers to go spend more! 

Cons to the Coupner's Garage Sale
1) Products expire! Check your labels before you buy. They may have expired in the store, in the haul or will at your house in 2 weeks. It's not a steal if you can't use it. :-)
2) Quantity over quality. Couponers need quantity to get the deal, so they're not looking closely at each individual item. I found a "used" deoterant at the sale today, which was probably just smelled in the store but you never know. 
3) Quality control. Retailers know how to ship, store and handle products to their best quality. After all, it is not just the brands but the retailers reputation at stake. With so many products, even the best couponers can't store them all at their best temperature or conditions. 
4) Price scam. Do your homework and don't be fooled. I'm sure there are people, like with any good thing, that will try to take advantage. Just know what you can get your favorite products for and don't pay it. Honestly, looking into this I haven't seen any price I can come close to yet! 

At the end of the day, this is a super cool concept. It's mutually beneficial and saves you a little time and money. And hey, why not let someone do the work for you? Extreme couponing is hard! 

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