Sunday, November 2, 2014

Sunday Summary: 11.2.14

Photo credit: Jamie Attard
Happy November! How did that happen? I swear this past year has been whirlwind and this past month was no exception. Last week I didn't do a summary because I was hung over.... party hung over! We finally celebrated our marriage with a HalloWedding reception on 10.24. Oh my gosh it was a lot of work!!!! And I loved every minute of it. Despite the many family members chipping in to help (including 2 nights of watching H) by the time we unpacked the truck on Sunday we were burnt out! The Michigan Vs. Michigan State game that we brought a keg to on Saturday night probably didn't help. But don't worry, I won't leave you out. As soon as our professional pictures arrive I will tell you all about our reception, cause it was worth sharing! #PartyLikeAPietraz

Back to today, this week has been good. Monday I woke up with the intention of solely piecing my life back together. I put H back to his regularly scheduled programming, organized what I could of our gifts and even went grocery shopping. I also, for the first time ever took H and B on a walk at the same time. They did fantastic, it's just unfortunate that as soon as we got half way down the block it started to rain. They we're were doing so good I didn't want to turn back, I just kept going, taking rain in along the way. Worth it.

Tuesday, H had his six month check up which included four immunization shots and part one of his flu shot. Afterward we took our now weekly trip to GG's to take her garbage out. He played with Frankie while she laughed. Between the excitement and the shots the trip to the mall, full of returns, was very pleasant. Thankfully, everyone was pretty understanding about this except the women at Victoria's Secret. Which I found ironic considering she declared upon approach that she had an 8 week old and a 21 month old at home. After two royally bad experiences there, I'm done.

Wednesday and Thursday was kind of rough. H ended up having a pretty nasty reaction to his shots which landed him with a fever, pain and irritability. When your infant hits 103.8 degrees at 4:00 AM, you just stop caring about sleep. Joyfully, I report he's perfect now! By the time Friday rolled around I was ready for some fun & what a fun night it was.... HALLOWEEN!
For his first year, H had four outfit changes. The "big one" was our family ensemble of Goldie Locks & the Three Bears. B was Goldie Locks.We spent the night over at GG's house with my parents and Marnie passing out candy. Despite the high volume of children in the neighborhood, we only passed out about one bag of chocolate goodness. I think it was just too cold. So, we packed it up and ate dinner at our local Italian hole Luigi's. It was the first time ever H ate pasta and he loved it!

Saturday, was the usual cleaning house, running laundry and catching up on recuperating from the week's adventures. Somewhere around 5:00 PM my in-laws came over and kicked us out. We hit downtown Detroit for a date night. After a detour through Lincoln Art Park we found ourselves at the black jack table inside MGM casino. Unfortunately, my luckiest moment of the night was finding a parking spot literally at the door. But, D won some funds and convinced the pit boss to give us some host credit so we dined at Wolfgang Puck's Pizzeria Cucina. It was good delicious as always. I had a baby kale salad, pumpkin ravioli and tiramisu. I woke up today and felt like I needed to run a marathon to work that off but was so glutenous I could barely move. Didn't stop me from taking H our for our usual Sunday Dive Brunch alone  though. He was so cool at the table, he sat in his chair and ate sausage and pancakes from his own order. It was a moment in time that I felt my life stand still for just a brief moment and I was happy. In my core, happy.

So there's my week! Nothing too thrilling: lots of baby raising, fun making, housewife life.

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