Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Dad-Chelor Party!

I swear I haven't forgotten you. I've been put on bed rest waiting for baby #2 to get here. Every time I go to my regular OBGYN appointment they send me to the hospital over night for more testing. They're calling it Gestational Hypertension because they're not ready to call it preeclampsia. At any rate, they don't really know what's wrong with me or how to fix it. What they do know is since I'm scheduled for a C-section (due to being a repeat customer) they are not interested in delivering early unless absolutely necessary. So I wait.... on bed rest.... cooped up in my home. Which would make one think I'd be more apt for writing on my blog but really I don't have much desire to do anything but get ready for the baby.

However, in the spirit of Father's Day, here's a look at a recent Dad-chelor/Diaper Party I threw for my husband. You see, my husband an I were together for 10 years before we got engaged. We were engaged exactly 47 minutes before we got married. We partied after our son was born on his 6th month date. Yup, got married.... twice and had a baby in about 10 months and 6 days. That didn't leave much time for celebrating traditional rituals like Bachelor parties. Sure, his boys tried to take him out but with limited time and therefore resources, I wanted to try to recreate the night. I invited over about 25 of his closest male influences, had dinner and entertainment prepared. Take a look:

I stocked the bar with cigars and scotch

A variety of top shelf and standard scotches for the experienced and novice drinkers.
Same with the cigars. They averaged out to be about $14 each in a variety of Macanudos, Patron and Makers Mark dipped and a fruity influences Acid (That was a big hit). Finally, my husband added in Swisher Sweets for the cargar-ette smokers.

I also made sure poker was readily available. They played into the wee hours.

A little something for the parents to be: diaper signing! I wish I could share with you the totally inappropriate yet hilarious comments that they came up with. They'll be great for 4:00 am changings.
It was hosted in our bar because well... that's where the hooch is but also because the Tigers game was on!

Finally because it was so nice out, we had out door games set up like corn hole, ladder ball and specifically this favorite called Can Jam!

Some of the guys enjoying scotch & cigars.

Or pretzel stick cigars.

What do men love more thatn meat? We got a nice prime rib roast, seasoned with salt and pepper and slow cooked for 8 hours!

On the side of the steaks were garlic and rosemary roasted potatoes and a handmade cedar salad.
There were also vanilla and chocolate cupcakes with crumbled Oreo cookie topping and little mustaches for a manly touch!

From what I understand (because no girls were allowed) the guys LOVED their dinner, puffed cigars while sipping scotch and play poker into the wee hours. Lots of great feedback all around.
 Here's a picture of the dad-to-be with the mom-to-be's Dad! You can see they had fun with the adult diapers too! ;-)

Best success with your future Dad-Chelor parties!!

Monday, June 8, 2015

DIY Wine Charms

I've already kind of posted about my DIY wine charms when I opened my Etsy shop 2 weeks ago. Now, let me show you how it's done! 

Metal hoop earrings with hook & eye latch 
Beading pliers

How To: 
1) Open your hoop and flatten out hook with pliers. This makes it easier for smaller beads to slip on to the ring with ease. 
2) Line up your beads and charm on re pattern and style you choose. 
3) Slide your beads on. I do this by hand. I've tried different tools but fingers are the most dexterous and cause less loss. 
4) Once done, recreate your hook with the bead pliers and close. 

See how easy that is? They make great accent to your kitchen or bar. They Ali make fabulous custom, personal gifts. Check out all the possibilities too!